Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Disable Text Copy On Blogger Using Javascript And CSS

Disable Text Copy On Blogger Using Javascript And CSS

Most of the popular and effort putting bloggers, due to the negative effect it might have on there blog,  aint happy seeing there blog post duplicated or copied by mostly Newbie bloggers.


As we know the search bot, or spider, loves to index a special and genuine blog post.

A duplicated blog post, some how in the eye of Search engine bot is useless as the **p** in pneumonia.

Search engine marks a site with duplicated post as **unhealthy and unsafe, thereby affecting the SEO ranking of that blog.

As a hard working blogger, I think is good for your works to be for you alone.

**Disable content copy on your blog using **Javascrip or css code**

Method 1.

Login to your blog==>click on Template==>Edit Template.

Now click on the blog template and find this the <head> using **ctrl+f** for windows and **cmd+f** for Mac computer.

Copy the code below and paste it after the <head> tag.

**Copy the code below**

<!--Disabe Copy Paste--- TB-->
<script language=JavaScript1.2>
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function
(&quot;return false&quot;)
if (window.sidebar){

Method 2.

**How to disable text copy on a specified part of your blog post**

Login to your blog dashboard, click on Template, Edit Template.

Cool on your blog Template and search for this code on your blog Template ]]></b:skin> (using ctrl+f on windows then ctrl+f on Mac).

Copy the code below and paste it before ]]></b:skin>

**copy the code below**

/*----- Disable Text Selection with CSS
Code--- TB----*/
.post blockquote {
-webkit-user-select: text !important;
-moz-user-select: text !important;
-ms-user-select: text !important;
user-select: text !important;
body {
-webkit-user-select: none !important;
-moz-user-select: -moz-none !important;
-ms-user-select: none !important;
user-select: none !important;

**Advantages of using CSS over JavaScript**

1. If JavaScript used to secure post texts, Some content thieves, simply Disble Javascrip on the browser reload it then copy a post article.

Using CSS gives them no such option, to do that.
The only way to copy a text over CSS is by inspecting element, then find and remove the CSS code.

2. CSS code increases the loading speed of a blog, while JavaScript takes time to load, thereby making you loose visitors.

**Read More**

<a href="">PSP 2016 Setup And Guide.</a>

<a href="">Wonder What The Small Black Hole Between Your iPhone Camera And Flash? Read More Here</a>.

<a href="">How To Schedule Text Message On Your Android Phone For Auto Delivery </a>.

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