Thursday, August 30, 2018

cheap glitter wallpaper for walls

cheap glitter wallpaper for walls

Now we will share about cheap glitter wallpaper for walls
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Thanks for visiting and Hopefully these images of cheap glitter wallpaper for walls inspire you.

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Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 With Crack Patch Serial Full Version Download

Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 With Crack Patch Serial Full Version Download

Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 Full Crack Version For PC Download Free
Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 full version download free. Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 video editor full crack, patch, serial, keygen & activator download. Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 free download offline installer. Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 torrent download.
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Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 free download. Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 is one of the most popular & powerful video editing software which is designed & published by Adobe system. It is a smart & perfect video editing software for windows pc. It provides you proper solution to create & design any type of video. Just download Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 with crack, serial & make it full version. Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 download, enjoy & share to all.
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Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Torrent Free

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Torrent Free

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Using SRILM server in sphinx4

Using SRILM server in sphinx4

Recently Ive added the support for the SRILM language model server to the sphinx4 so its possible to use much bigger models during the search keeping the same memory requriements and, more important, during lattice rescoring. Lattice rescoring is still in progress, so here is the idea how to use network language model during search.

SRILM has a number of adavantages for example it implements few interesting algorithms and even for simple tasks like trigram language model creation its way better than cmuclmtk. At least model pruning is

To start first dump the language model vocabulary since its required in linguist

ngram -lm your.lm --write-vocab my.vocab

So start the server with

ngram -use-server 5000 -lm your.lm

Configure the recognizer

<component name="rescoringModel"
<property name="port" value="5000"/>
<property name="location" value="your.vocab"/>
<property name="logMath" value="logMath"/>

And start the lattice demo. Youll see the result soon.

Adjust the cache according to the size of your model. It shoudlnt be large for a simple search. Typically the cache size isnt more than 100000 for a simple search.

Still, usage of the large-gram model is not reasonable for a typical search because of the large amount of word trigrams that should be tracked. Its more efficient to use trigram or even bigram model first and make a second recognizer pass with the rescored language model. More details on rescoring in the next posts.

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After Effects CS6

After Effects CS6

After Effects CS6

How to make it free:

Download any Trail Version of Adobe After Effects CS6  and install as a trail version. then fallow below steps.

Instructions to Patch:

  • Download the Patch "amtlib.dll" from below link
  • Go to Local Disk program files  - Adobe - Adobe  After Effects CS6 .

  • Copy amtlib.dll file and replace with existing one in  Adobe After Effects CS6  folder

No Surveys no add links , No form filling, No downloads virus tools. 

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 Download Photoshop CS6 Patch

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Adobe Premier Malayalam Tutorials Part 3

Adobe Premier Malayalam Tutorials Part 3

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Adding Dictionary operands to Swift

Adding Dictionary operands to Swift

This post isnt about the rights and wrongs of using operands to combine or add to dictionaries. I was simply looking through StackOverflow and found a question on the subject, which was linked to a previous one and thought that the response could be expanded upon with a few more cases:
func +=<K, V> (inout left: [K : V], right: [K : V]) { for (k, v) in right { left[k] = v } }

func +<K, V> (left: [K : V], right: [K : V]) -> [K : V]{var new = [K : V](); for (k, v) in left { new[k] = v }; for (k, v) in right { new[k] = v }; return new }

func -<K, V: Comparable> (left: [K : V], right: [K : V]) -> [K : V]{var new = [K : V](); for (k, v) in left { new[k] = v }; for (k,v) in right { if let n = new[k] where n == v { new.removeValueForKey(k)}}; return new }

func -<K, V> (left: [K : V], right: [K]) -> [K : V]{var new = [K : V](); for (k, v) in left { new[k] = v }; for k in right { new.removeValueForKey(k)}; return new }

func -=<K, V: Comparable> (inout left: [K : V], right: [K : V]){for (k,v) in right { if let n = left[k] where n == v { left.removeValueForKey(k)}}}

func -=<K, V> (inout left: [K : V], right: [K]) {for k in right { left.removeValueForKey(k)}}

Implementation can follow this kind of pattern (in a playground):
var aDict = ["1": "a"]
let bDict = ["2": "b"]
aDict += bDict

aDict -= bDict
aDict -= ["1"]
["1": "a"] - ["2":"a"]
var test = ["1": "a"] + ["2": "b"] + ["1":"c"]
The main question in writing these functions was how to handle the "-" and "-=" operands. Do we accept keys and values or just a set of keys, and if the former should a key be deleted if the values dont match? Here Ive chosen to write a function for each case. Where an array of keys is supplied, all matching keys have their key/value pair removed, and where a dictionary is supplied key/value pairs are only removed if both match. But the latter type of removal can only occur where values are comparable.

Follow @sketchytech

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Mengetahui Semua Password WiFi Yang Tersedia Menggunakan CMD

Mengetahui Semua Password WiFi Yang Tersedia Menggunakan CMD

Pada saat sekarang ini, Wi-Fi router dan koneksi data telah menjadi kemudahan mendasar bagi setiap pengguna. Salah satu hal pertama yang pengguna melakukan setelah bangun adalah beralih on / nya router Wi-Fi sementara ada beberapa pengguna yang tidak pernah mematikan router mereka. Internet memainkan peran penting seperti yang digunakan orang untuk menyelesaikan hari mereka untuk tugas-tugas hari serta untuk relaksasi. Menimbang bahwa Wi-Fi telah menjadi bagian sentral dari kehidupan kita, sangat mudah untuk lupa password Wifi. Jadi, di sini adalah solusi sederhana untuk menemukan terhubung password jaringan Wi-Fi melalui command prompt.

Berikut adalah Trik untuk Menemukan Password dari Semua Jaringan Wi-Fi Yang Terhubung Menggunakan CMD - Anda mungkin menggunakan banyak koneksi WiFi melalui desktop atau laptop. Kadang-kadang, timbul situasi, di mana Anda dapat lupa password jaringan Wifi yang terhubung. Pertama-tama, Anda harus ingat bahwa setiap kali Anda terhubung ke jaringan WiFi dan masukkan password untuk terhubung ke jaringan itu, Anda benar-benar membuat profil WLAN baru dari jaringan WiFi. Pada intinya, setiap kali Anda membuat koneksi Internet, profil tersebut bisa disimpan di dalam PC / laptop bersama dengan rincian yang dibutuhkan lain dari profil WiFi.

Mengetahui Semua Password WiFi Yang Tersedia Menggunakan CMD_
image source:

Pada artikel ini, kita akan belajar bagaimana menemukan tertentu sandi Wi-Fi menggunakan command prompt bukan Windows GUI. Langkah-langkah ini bekerja bahkan ketika Anda benar-benar offline atau Anda tidak terhubung ke WI-Fi tertentu profil Anda mencari password untuk.

Cara mengetahui password WiFi menggunakan cmd:

Buka command prompt dan menjalankannya sebagai administrator. Salah satu hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan membuka command prompt dalam mode administrator. Pada Windows 7 / 8.1 klik kanan pada command prompt dan pilih Run as administrator dari menu drop-down

Pada Windows 10 cukup klik tombol Windows + X dan menjalankan Command Prompt (Admin) secara langsung.

Pada langkah berikutnya, kita ingin tahu tentang semua profil yang disimpan dalam komputer kita. Untuk jenis yang berikut perintah di cmd:
netsh wlan show profile
Perintah ini akan menampilkan semua profil WiFi yang yang pernah terhubung ke PC atau laptop.

Dari daftar di atas, saya ingin mengetahui password untuk NETGEAR13 Ketik perintah berikut untuk melihat password dari NETGEAR13 atau Wi-Fi lainnya profil yang Anda inginkan.
netsh wlan show profile WiFi-name key=clear
Hasilnya akan seperti ini

Di bawah konten kunci dalam pengaturan keamanan, Anda dapat melihat password. Anda dapat menggunakan perintah yang sama untuk memeriksa dan mengetahui password untuk setiap profil yang disimpan pada PC / laptop.

Mengaktifkan Pengacakan Mac Pada Windows 10 menggunakan CMD

Line Command ini juga berguna untuk eksperimen lebih lanjut dengan profil WiFi. Selain mencari tahu password WiFi, Anda juga dapat menggunakan hasil ini untuk lebih mengoptimalkan WiFi Anda. Sebagai contoh, Di bawah informasi profil, Anda dapat melihat mac pengacakan dinonaktifkan. Anda dapat mengaktifkan fitur pengacakan mac untuk menghindari pelacakan lokasi Anda berdasarkan alamat MAC perangkat.

Berikut adalah cara untuk mengaktifkan 
pengacakan mac pada Windows 10:
  1. Pergi ke pengaturan dan klik �Jaringan & internet�
  2. Pilih �WiFi� di sebelah kiri dan klik pada pilihan lanjutan.
  3. Mengaktifkan fitur �Acak Hardware Alamat� di bawah pengaturan ini.
  4. Setelah Anda telah berubah ini pada, alamat MAC Anda akan secara acak ditetapkan oleh Windows sehingga sulit bagi siapa pun untuk melacak Anda menggunakan alamat MAC Anda.

Kadang-kadang memilih saluran yang tepat dapat meningkatkan Anda kecepatan Wi-Fi secara substansial dan menghilangkan gangguan. Anda dapat memeriksa posting kami pada Bagaimana untuk meningkatkan kecepatan Anda Wi-Fi dengan memilih saluran yang tepat.

Sekian artikel tentang Trik untuk Menemukan Password dari Semua Jaringan Wi-Fi Yang Terhubung Menggunakan CMD. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba.. XD

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AEM 6 SP2 Adding Dynamic Request Headers to Replication Requests

AEM 6 SP2 Adding Dynamic Request Headers to Replication Requests


Replication Agent for Publish adds default headers Action, Path, Handle to request. Any custom headers can be added to requests by configuring Extended tab -> HTTP Headers of Publish Agent http://localhost:4502/etc/replication/

This post is on adding dynamic headers to publish replication requests carried out using workflows. A process step introduced into workflow adds timestamp header eaem-unique-key to agent configuration before activation

Demo | Package Install | Source Code

Sample Request with Header eaem-unique-key


1) Create a Workflow Process OSGI Service apps.experienceaem.replication.SetUniqueKeyReplicationHeader, add the following code

package apps.experienceaem.replication;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import java.util.*;

@Component(metatype = false)
@Property(name = "process.label", value = "Experience AEM Unique Key Replication Header")
public class SetUniqueKeyReplicationHeader implements WorkflowProcess {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SetUniqueKeyReplicationHeader.class);

private static String PUBLISH_AGENT_CONFIG = "/etc/replication/";
private static String PROTOCOL_HTTP_HEADERS = "protocolHTTPHeaders";
private static String EAEM_UNIQUE_KEY = "eaem-unique-key: ";

private ResourceResolverFactory rrFactory;

public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap args)
throws WorkflowException {
try {
Session session = workflowSession.getSession();

Map<String, Object> authInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
authInfo.put(JcrResourceConstants.AUTHENTICATION_INFO_SESSION, session);

Resource res = rrFactory.getResourceResolver(authInfo).getResource(PUBLISH_AGENT_CONFIG);

if(res == null){
log.warn("Resource - " + PUBLISH_AGENT_CONFIG + ", not available");

ValueMap vm = res.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);

String[] headers = vm.get(PROTOCOL_HTTP_HEADERS, String[].class);

headers = addUniqueKeyHeader(headers);

res.adaptTo(Node.class).setProperty(PROTOCOL_HTTP_HEADERS, headers);;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WorkflowException(e);

private String[] addUniqueKeyHeader(String[] headers){
headers = new String[]{
"Action: {action}",
"Path: {path}",
"Handle: {path}",
EAEM_UNIQUE_KEY + new Date().getTime()

return headers;

for(int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++){
headers[i] = EAEM_UNIQUE_KEY + new Date().getTime();

return headers;

2) Add a Process Step in Request for Activation workflow (http://localhost:4502/cf#/etc/workflow/models/request_for_activation.html), configure it with apps.experienceaem.replication.SetUniqueKeyReplicationHeader (donot forget to save workflow)

3) Any activation requested through Request for Activation workflow now adds a eaem-unique-key header to the publish agent configuration (/etc/replication/ just before activation (there might be synchronization issues when there is heavy replication using other workflows or direct activations )

4) A sample publish request with header eaem-unique-key

(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] Sending POST request to http://localhost:4503/bin/receive?sling:authRequestLogin=1
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] sent. Response: 200 OK
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] ------------------------------------------------
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] Sending message to localhost:4503
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> POST /bin/receive HTTP/1.0
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> Action: Activate
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> Path: /content/geometrixx/en
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> Handle: /content/geometrixx/en
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> eaem-unique-key: 1430403556120
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> Referer: about:blank
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] >> ...spooling 56653 bytes...
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] --
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] << HTTP/1.1 200 OK
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] << Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 14:19:16 GMT
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] << Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] << Content-Length: 30
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] << Server: Jetty(8.1.14.v20131031)
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] <<
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] << ReplicationAction ACTIVATE ok.
(com/day/cq/replication/job/publish)] Message sent.

5) Publish agent settings after the SetUniqueKeyReplicationHeader process step executes. The key eaem-unique-key changes with every activation

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Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 130 2015

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 130 2015

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 130 2015

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 130 2015

English | PDF | 100 Page | 19 Mb
Download : Mediafire
Pasword : blog-senirupa

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No Lies 99 Various Artists

No Lies 99 Various Artists

Password: 17
Genre: Christian Rock

  1. Various - Mighty Good Leader (Audio Adrenaline) (3:14)
  2. Various - Supernatural (Dctalk) (3:59)
  3. Various - Incomplete (Switchfoot) (4:13)
  4. Various - Suckerpunch (Five Iron Frenzy) (3:30)
  5. Various - Life On The Edge (Eli) (3:32)
  6. Various - Thicker (Chasing Fluries) (3:55)
  7. Various - Lead Me (Raze) (4:36)
  8. Various - I Do Believe (Steven Cutis Chapman) (4:00)
  9. Various - Follow (Delirious) (4:40)
  10. Various - Better Off (Pete Stewart) (4:00)
  11. Various - Entertaining Angels (Newsboys) (4:16)
  12. Various - Anything Genuine (Smalltown Poets) (3:04)
  13. Various - Unfazed (The Waiting) (4:04)

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Adobe InDesign CS5 First Impressions

Adobe InDesign CS5 First Impressions

I havent had much experience with this sort of software, but Im a fairly quick learner, so I wasnt too worried. On first glance, InDesign looked intimidatingly complex, with thousands of tiny unlabeled buttons all over the place, but a little bit of handholding showed me the secret: redundancy. Theres a lot of it. Most common functions in ID, it seems, have about six different ways that you can do them, so as long as you know one method of doing what you want you dont even have to worry about the other interface options. After spending more time with it, Ive reached the conclusion that ID is really excellent software, despite the learning curve. Its complex but intuitive, and very responsive; I havent found anything significant to complain about yet.(Of course, I have yet to use the notorious pen tool, so I may change my mind later.) As it is, Im becoming more comfortable with ID by the day. I hope to have it jumping through hoops after a few months.

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New How to Unbrick Samsung Galaxy Note 5 By Michaelsample2

New How to Unbrick Samsung Galaxy Note 5 By Michaelsample2

My roommate complains about her bricked Samsung Galaxy Note 5 in  the dormitory. She didnt understand why her phone became a brick, but she knew she couldnt access the data and use her phone again. Whats worse, she cant afford a new phone now. She was annoyed for this situation.

When I knew the prolem of her phone, I realize that a tool can help her solve this problem easily and quickly, so I recoommend the tool to her. As I expected, the tool successfully unbricks her Samsung Galaxy Note 5.
Whats tool? It is called Unbrick Samsung Mobile. To most phone users, they know Unbrick Samsung Mobile can recover deleted or lost data on the phone profeesionally. Whats more, Unbrick Samsung Mobile has other several special features. Fixing bricked phone is one of the features. My roommate used this feature and felt content with it. By the way, Unbrick Samsung Mobile fits various Android brands, like Samsung, LG, HTC, Google etc.


Steps to unbrick Samsung Galaxy Note 5.

Step 1. Run Unbrick Samsung Mobile on Computer
After download and installation, run Dr.Fone on your computer properly. Next, please connect your bricked Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to the computer via USB cable.
And then, choose"Fix My Bricked Phone" to enter the fix process.

Step 2. Let Your Bricked Device Get into Download Mode
You can see a list of all the possible situations of bricked phone. According to your bricked device, choose suitable situations from the list.

Then, follow the direction to let your bricked phone enter Download Mode manually.
1.Turn off your phone at first;
2. Hold "Volume Down + Home + Power" on your HTC phone together for a few seconds till the phone enter Download Mode.

Step 3.Detect Your Device
Once your device gets into Download Mode, the program will detect your device automatically and quickly.
After a while, you can check all the details of your phone, such as the device model, Android version etc.

Step 4. Restart Your Phone
Here, to fix your bricked device and make it normal, Dr.Fone will download the recovery package automatically.

After download,the fix process is over. Your bricked phone will restart as a normal one, and you can access your phone again.

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Local file systems and Docker containers

Local file systems and Docker containers

Now I am going to move into the realm of areas that I consider fun.
What sort of trickery can I use containers for so that I can avoid installing stuff on my development workstation?

Here is my scenario:  I am pulling some source from GitHub.  I might modify some scripts and need to test those.  I want to quickly test my changes within an installed and running instance of the application.  I dont want to install the application on my workstation.

So, lets work thorough my real life example.  No modifications, just pulling the source and getting that into a container, without any need to build a custom container nor image.

Docker allows you to expose paths of the container host and map those into specific paths of the VM.  And this is where you can do some nifty things.

Say that you have some Node.js application.  And you want to run multiple instances of it, or you want to run and instance and have the logs write back to your development station. 
(This could be any number of combinations).

Lets run through an example:

Previously I ended with the example:
sudo docker run -i -t --name meshblu node:latest /bin/bash

If I extend that with this scenario we will see some new options.

sudo docker start -i -t -v "/home/brianeh/GitHub":"/home":ro --name meshblu node:latest /bin/bash

What I have added is the "-v" option.  this defines a path mapping.
"/home/brianeh/GitHub" is the GitHub folder of my user home path.  After the colon is the path in the container that this is mapped to.  "ro" means Read Only.  Or I could define that as "rw" - Read Write.

the neat thing is that once I run my container and enter its console I can type ls -l /home and I will see all of the files I have downloaded to my GitHub folder of my development machine.

This gives me a runspace within the container that is separate from my workstation where I can install applications but run the latest version of my code straight out of the development path.

(One reason why developers love containers)

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Its Done

Its Done

One of the things that my husband and I wanted to do for Dylan was replacing his wooden headstone on his grave. After about two months of relentless chasing efforts, at last, the headstone supplier gave us the draft and printed the wordings to a piece of black granite stone shortly after we vetted the draft.

I spotted a couple of typos on the final headstone result when the supplier came to fix the headstone to Dylans grave few weeks back... However, I closed one eye on those typos because the wordings had been printed anyway. Minor typos are still better than no headstone at all, considering that the supplier we engaged was quite challenging to deal with.

So yeah.. We wont be seeing the cross shadow on Dylans grave again as we have replaced it with a sturdier headstone. 

Nice or not?

To be honest, my husband and I still visit Dylans grave unscheduled quite often. We are against the old folks advice that by right, the both of us shall not visit a babys grave often and just abandon it, if possible, in order to set the babys soul free and let it be reborn into another baby soon. In fact, we purposely spent some money to fix Dylans grave nicely and my husband occasionally goes to the cemetery simply to clean his sons grave and the wild weeds surround it. When my husband drives us to the cemetery without planning after we go out or on the way home, sometimes I casually ask him "Ei, visiting Dylan (again) ah?" He would reply, "What to do. My son is here". *long silence*

I actually barely feel anything when I visit Dylan lately.. Like I have no more sad feeling attached when I see his grave. Every time I go to see his grave, I think I just feel like visiting one of our ancestors graves who had gone before us long time ago. Of course, the memory of us burying him on August 15th last year is still vivid but I dont really lament on his passing any more. 

I hope to close Dylans chapter now but before I do that, I would like to share some things about Dylan and his grave.

1. Burial vs. Cremation

One of the things that I never regretted was burying Dylan instead of cremating him. I personally dont really fancy the idea of cremating ones remains. Some people find it okay to cremate their babys remains but my heart just could not say yes to that and cremating Dylans remains last year would be so wrong. When last year MIL told my husband to cremate Dylans remains as per the Chineses tradition so we didnt have any liabilities take care of Dylans grave later on, my husband had sort of agreed to that idea for a day - I was very sad and helpless. Thank God, in the end, my husband didnt follow his familys advice in cremating Dylans remains into ashes otherwise I would be broken-hearted for the rest of my life. 

Now that we had buried Dylan hours after his birth, we had the options to abandon the grave, visit it, do nothing on it or make it better. We went ahead with the latter and still visit the grave once in a while - not to sob next to it but to clean it. 

I am actually happy with our decision to bury Dylan so we still can take care of him somehow, not totally forgetting him. And when we sort of miss him or something, we can visit his grave. 

2. To visit or not visit

I think there is nothing wrong with angel parents visiting their babys grave. I dont have any pantang or taboo about it. However, the frequency of visiting the grave and your emotional state when you visit the grave could be unhealthy for you if you cannot manage your grieve or sadness well as yet. For instance, I dont think visiting the babys grave every single day after you lost him or her would ease your pain. No pun intended but I would think it would almost be equivalent to rubbing salt into the wound instead. Why? Because when I just lost Dylan, visiting his grave was such an emotional whirlwind to me. Back then, I often requested my husband to accompany me to see Dylans grave in the cemetery because I missed him terribly. However, when I was actually in the cemetery, standing in front of his grave, I became even more sad. I turned myself in a more vulnerable state before I went to the cemetery. I teared. My heart was crushed once more. 

Understanding these patterns, I decided not to go to the cemetery or visit Dylans grave for a long time until I coped with my grieve better and could accept Dylans passing in a more resolved manner. Many months after Dylan had gone; I think I managed to slowly get my head and heart back in order, although I could not forget him completely. The pain in my chest was lessened so by the time I had to go to the cemetery for Dylans first anniversary, fixing his headstone, seeing my husband cleaning the grave, etc... I didnt feel so sad or depressed any more. So yes, I believe you can go to visit your babys grave but maybe not so frequent, especially when grieve is still new? 

Finally, let be gone be bygone and dont underestimate time for its power in healing our feelings and emotions. 

Having said the above... Some 14 months and few days later, I guess this is it - The end of the chapter of Dylans story? =) 

Rest in Paradise, angel son. Mom and Dad still keep you in our hearts, to where you are.

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It goes vrooom vrooom

It goes vrooom vrooom

Recently �Jos� "Scailman" L�pez�posted a very unique model to the RWA library. A F250�Maintenance�of Way vehicle.

Original (with out the scotchlite)
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Adobe InDesign CC 32 Bit

Adobe InDesign CC 32 Bit

Adobe InDesign CC 2014 (32-Bit) Full Cracked Version Free Download - ThE2Ediots 

Adobe InDesign : is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. InDesign can also publish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Graphic designers and production artists are the principal users, creating and laying out periodical publications, posters, and print media.
It also supports export to EPUB and SWF formats to create e-books and digital publications, including digital magazines, and content suitable for consumption on tablet computers. In addition, InDesign supports XML, style sheets, and other coding markup, making it suitable for exporting tagged text content for use in other digital and online formats. The Adobe InCopy word processor uses the same formatting engine as InDesign.

InDesign CC (2014) : 
Simplified tables
Move rows and columns around in tables by simply selecting, dragging and dropping.

Fixed layout EPUB :
Make interactive EPUB books with live text � such as children�s books, cookbooks, travel books and textbooks � that are rich with illustrations, photos, audio, video or animations. Layout and design remain fixed no matter what size screen they�re being viewed on.

Seamless update :
Your presets and preferences, including shortcuts and workspaces, stay with you when you update to a new version of InDesign.

Color groups :
Similar to Paragraph Style folders, manage and organize your color swatches to quickly find what you need.

Behance integration :
Save work directly from InDesign to Behance to showcase finished projects or share a work in progress. As you perfect your work and upload new versions, get immediate feedback from creatives around the world.

Scaling of effects :
Any applied effects you�ve added, such as drop shadows or gradient feathers, will automatically scale as you change the scale of an object or text.

Enhanced search :
When searching for text, glyphs or GREP, you can now search backward with Find Previous in addition to being able to search forward with Find Next.

In addition to support for HiDPI Mac Retina displays, InDesign is also optimized for HiDPI Windows machines.

Enhanced footnotes :
Footnotes will support text wrap from the containing text frame and external page items.
Enhanced QR Code Creator
You no longer have to manually create a unique QR code when you�re doing a data merge. With this new feature, they�ll be created automatically.

Improved packaging :
In addition to INDD files, linked files and fonts, you can now include PDFs and IDML files when you�re creating a package from InDesign. This ensures that your document can be opened and viewed by people on different versions.

PDF passthrough printer :
Print your documents directly to PDF Print Engine devices without having to convert your file to a PDF.

And so much more :
Also included: EPUB enhancements, including customizable object width and height in CSS; writing improved CSS for table and cells styles; and more.


Thanxz 4 Downloading

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Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 v14 0 Full Version Free Download

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 v14 0 Full Version Free Download

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 v14.0

The CS6 Dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG editor for designing your pages very useful. Dreamweaver CS6 has been developed by Adobe System. It is the category leader in the web edition for a long period of time. It has many features can help someone who just sneaked into the ocean of Web development.The free download of Dreamweaver CS6The Dreamweaver CS6 has many new features, it will be maintained in all Web developers calming effect. The application has come up with a new design tool fluid grid. Fluid grid layout is a famous fashion design world renowned site. Dreamweaver has been used in a grid layout, but in this version, fluid grid layout, using the specified height and width percentage was introduced.Dreamweaver CS6 free downloadThen there is the CSS3 transition is another compelling new features and capabilities, you can create animated transitions for your design. Im not saying its impossible to create animated transitions in the previous version, but it is not as simple as in this version. DW CS6, you can create visually, wants the transition of his transition team CSS3 design. All you need to do is select the transition you want, and then add it to the panel on the remaining elements to Dreamweaver.Download the Dreamweaver CS6Gap phone integration has been updated and is now easier to create, and create your mobile application can be easily transferred from Dreamweaver CS6 to export directly after iOS or Android in Dreamweaver. Now, you can connect your site Dreamweaver and Adobe Business Catalyst. With Business Catalyst, you can easily add shopping cart and other e-commerce capabilities on your website.Dreamweaver CS6 free downloadA decisive note, we can say Dreamweaver CS6 is a great tool for web design easy to implement.
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Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection Crack Keygen Free

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection Crack Keygen Free

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection Crack Keygen Free

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Adobe InDesign CC 2015

Adobe InDesign CC 2015

Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (64-Bit) Full Cracked Version Free Download - ThE2Ediots

Adobe InDesign : is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. InDesign can also publish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Graphic designers and production artists are the principal users, creating and laying out periodical publications, posters, and print media.
It also supports export to EPUB and SWF formats to create e-books and digital publications, including digital magazines, and content suitable for consumption on tablet computers. In addition, InDesign supports XML, style sheets, and other coding markup, making it suitable for exporting tagged text content for use in other digital and online formats. The Adobe InCopy word processor uses the same formatting engine as InDesign.

InDesign CC :
Edit once, update everywhere
Assets in Creative Cloud Libraries can now be linked so that when a change is made, you and your team members have the option of updating the asset across any InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop projects where it�s used.

Integrated with Adobe Comp CC :
Create layouts for print, web or mobile anywhere on your iPad. Pull creative assets into Comp from your or your team�s shared Creative Cloud Libraries, and then instantly send your layouts to InDesign. All your text, images and graphics are live and fully editable.

Add shading to paragraphs :
Quickly and easily add shading to paragraphs without manual workarounds. Highlights adjust automatically as you edit text, even if it flows across columns. Plus, you have controls for offsets and more.

Find the perfect image or graphic, fast :
The new Adobe Stock marketplace lets you find, license and manage royalty-free images and videos from within InDesign CC. Select from 40 million assets, save your selection to your Creative Cloud Libraries and then drag it into your project to use.

Adobe Mercury Performance System advancements :
Work more than twice as fast zooming in and out, scrolling with a mouse wheel or paging up and down complex documents. Page thumbnails redraw more quickly when editing, too.

Easily publish documents online :
Publish Online (Preview) lets you effortlessly publish and distribute documents online where they can be viewed without the need for a plug-in. Plus, you can include buttons, slideshows, animation, audio and video.

Place images into tables :
Now, along with text, it�s quick and easy to add graphics directly into tables. Simply use the Place Gun or drag and drop images from Finder/Explorer or the Content Collector.

More Acrobat PDF defaults :
New options in the export to PDF print dialog box give you the ability to set the default view settings.
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