Saturday, June 30, 2018
Counting down the days Pregnancy T shirt
Counting down the days Pregnancy T shirt
No, I am not pregnant! But my sister-in-law is.
I have to share the cutest pregnancy t-shirt she created using the freezer paper stencil technique you see all over the blogging world (if you need details on how to do it, I posted the instructions last month here).
Using a t-shirt she had on hand, fabric paint, freezer paper and a Cricut, she stenciled the words "counting down" below her belly and added some hash marks. How cute would it be it you added a new line for every week you are along!
She was wearing it when she came over today, so the only shots I have of her are with it on. But it shows how adorable it looks when she is wearing it. And shows what a good sport she is allowing me to photograph her belly when she is scheduled to have the new addition to our family on Monday! I promised I wouldnt show her face since she thought she wasnt camera ready, but she looks amazing for being 9 months pregnant.