Friday, June 29, 2018
AEM 61 Classic UI Limit the number of Tags selected in xtype tags widget
AEM 61 Classic UI Limit the number of Tags selected in xtype tags widget
Limit the number of tags selected in Classic UI Tags widget
For limiting the number of tags per namespace check this post
For Touch UI - check this post
Dialog of foundation Page Properties modified for demonstration only - /libs/foundation/components/page/tab_basic/items/basic/items/tags
Demo | Package Install
eaemMaxTags : 2

Error Alert

1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/eaem-classic-ui-max-tags-in-tags-widget
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/eaem-classic-ui-max-tags-in-tags-widget/clientlib and set property categories of String type to cq.tagging and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/eaem-classic-ui-max-tags-in-tags-widget/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/eaem-classic-ui-max-tags-in-tags-widget/clientlib/max-tags.js, add the following code
var EAEM_MAX_TAGS_CONFIG = "eaemMaxTags";
var EAEM_TAG_INPUT_FIELD = CQ.Ext.extend(CQ.tagging.TagInputField, {
checkMaximum: function(tag) {
var limit = this.initialConfig[EAEM_MAX_TAGS_CONFIG];
if(limit && this.tags.length >= parseInt(limit)){
var msgBox = CQ.Ext.Msg.alert(Limit exceeded, "Maximum tags allowed of any namespace: " + limit);
return false;
return, tag);
CQ.Ext.reg("tags", EAEM_TAG_INPUT_FIELD);