Sunday, March 8, 2015
Power Tools

Power Tools service provides information on a variety of areas from News to Weather Updates and so much more by simply sending an SMS to the short code.
How To Use This Service
Send the respective keywords to ‘300’ for Powertools(For Pre-paid & Post-paid users)
Send the respective keywords to ‘7070’ for Powertools Alerts
(Only for Pre-paid users)
PrepaidSMS Charges: Rs.2.50 + tax/ SMS for Powertools (300)
Subscription Charges: Rs.1.10+ tax per/Day for Powertools Alerts (7070)
SMS Charges: Rs.3.0 + tax per SMS
Powertools (300)
These powertools provide one- time alerts and one time deduction. This service is for both, Prepaid and Post paid customers. Type in the keyword on sms and send to 300 to get your alerts.
* Cricket update
In case two matches are in process at the same time. Type CN for other match
**Cricket Alerts will be charged at 10+T/Match & for Pakistan Matches only
- Pre-Paid Charges : Rs 2.5+T per SMS
- Post- paid Charges: Rs3.0+T per SMS
English Powertools:
Category | Service Name | Short Code | Keyword |
News | CNNB | 300 | CNNB |
CNN [Sports News] | 300 | CNNS | |
CNN [Top Stories] | 300 | CNNT | |
CNN [World News] | 300 | CNNW | |
CNN [US News] | 300 | CNNU | |
Reuters | 300 | REU | |
BBC | 300 | BBC | |
Breaking News | 300 | NB | |
Headline News | 300 | NH | |
World News | 300 | NW | |
Business & Finance News | 300 | NF | |
Weather | Weather Update (Lahore, Karachi &Islamabad) | 300 | W |
Other Cities | 300 | W city (Example: W Murree) | |
Weather Forecast | 300 | WF city (Example: W Islamabad) | |
Entertainment | Entertainment News | 300 | NE |
Jokes | 300 | JK | |
Technology News | 300 | TN | |
Top Five Movies (English &Urdu) | 300 | TM | |
Top Five Songs (English &Urdu) | 300 | TS | |
Sports | Sports News | 300 | NS |
*Cricket Score Update | 300 | CKT | |
Tennis | 300 | STN | |
Hockey | 300 | HK | |
Football | 300 | FB | |
Golf | 300 | SG | |
Religion | Islamic Calendar Service | 300 | IC |
Prayer Timings Islamabad | 300 | PTI | |
Prayer Timings lahore | 300 | PTL | |
Prayer Timings Karachi | 300 | PTK | |
Aayat of the day | 300 | AY | |
Quran | 300 | Q 12:3 (12= surah # , 3= ayat #) | |
Hadith | 300 | AH | |
KSE Index | 300 | KSE | |
LSE Index | 300 | LSE | |
ISE Index | 300 | ISE | |
Bullion(Gold & Silver) Rates | 300 | BR/GOLD , BR/Silver | |
Exchange Rates (for leading currencies) | 300 | FX | |
CNN [Business & Finance News] | 300 | CNNF | |
Reference | English Dictionary | 300 | WD abc (abc = word you want to find) |
Quote of the day | 300 | QT | |
Thesaurus | 300 | TH abc (abc = word you want to find) | |
Personal | Mobile Bill Information (for postpaid customers) | 300 | B |
Horoscope of the day | 300 | First three alphabets of zodiac sign e.g. PIS, LEO, ARI etc. | |
Today’s Special | Born Today | 300 | BT |
History | 300 | HIS |
Urdu Powertools 300
Category | Service Name | Short Code | Keyword |
News | Breaking News | 300 | UNB |
Headline News | 300 | UNH | |
World News | 300 | UNW | |
Business & Finance News | 300 | UNF | |
Weather | Islamabad | 300 | UWISB |
Karachi | 300 | UWKHI | |
Lahore | 300 | UWLHE | |
Entertainment | Entertainment News | 300 | UNE |
Joke of a day | 300 | UJK | |
Top Lollywood/Bollywood movies | 300 | UTM | |
Top Lollywood/Bollywood Songs | 300 | UTS | |
Sports | Sports News | 300 | UNS |
Cricket Alerts** | Pakistan Cricket Match Alerts | 6446 | CKT |
Religion | Prayer Timings (Karachi) | 300 | UPTK |
Prayer Timings (Lahore) | 300 | UPTL | |
Prayer Timings (Islamabad) | 300 | UPTI | |
Aayat of the day | 300 | UAY | |
Quote of a day | 300 | UQT | |
Hadith of a day | 300 | UAH |
In case two matches are in process at the same time. Type CN for other match
**Cricket Alerts will be charged at 10+T/Match & for Pakistan Matches only
You can simply subscribe to the content of your choice and get daily alerts! The service is only for prepaid customers. Daily Subscription Charges Rs1.10+T per day
For example
In Prayer timing alerts, if you want to subscribe to prayer times service of a specific city, you can send PT(SPACE)CITY NAME (example: pt Islamabad) to 7070
In Weather alerts, if you want to subscribe to weather alerts of a specific city, you can send W(SPACE)CITY NAME (example: w Islamabad) to 7070
In Horoscope alerts, if you want to subscribe to a certain star then send first 3 alphabets of that star (example: lib for Libra) to 7070
ID | Service Name | Short Code | Subscribe keyword | Unsubscribe keyword | Number of alerts per day | Timings |
1 | Tips & Recipes | 7070 | HT | HTH | 1 | 1000 |
2 | Quotes | 7070 | QT | QTH | 1 | 1030 |
3 | Amazing Facts | 7070 | AF | AFH | 1 | 1230 |
4 | Cricket Facts | 7070 | CF | CFH | 1 | 1230 |
5 | Sports News | 7070 | NS | NSH | 3-5 | Any Time |
6 | News | 7070 | NB | NBH | 3-5 | Any Time |
7 | Top Movies | 7070 | TM | TMH | 1 | 1500 |
8 | Hadith | 7070 | AH | AHH | 1 | 1030 |
9 | Jokes | 7070 | JK | JKH | 1 | 1100 |
10 | Top RBT | 7070 | TR | TRH | 1 | 1500 |
11 | Top Songs | 7070 | TS | TSH | 1 | 1500 |
12 | Quran Translation | 7070 | TQ | TQH | 1 | 1000 |
13 | Ayat | 7070 | AY | AYH | 1 | 1100 |
14 | Weather | 7070 | W | WH | 2 | 1000 |
15 | Horoscope | 7070 | HR | HRH | 1 | 1030 |
16 | Prayer Timings | 7070 | PT | PTH | 1 | 1030 |
17 | Mixed Bundle (News, Jokes, Quotes, Sport) | 7070 | BA | BAH | 5 | Any Time |
18 | Dunya News | 7070 | DN | DNH | 3-5 | Any Time |
19 | Associate Press News | 7070 | AP | APH | 2 | Any Time |
In Prayer timing alerts, if you want to subscribe to prayer times service of a specific city, you can send PT(SPACE)CITY NAME (example: pt Islamabad) to 7070
In Weather alerts, if you want to subscribe to weather alerts of a specific city, you can send W(SPACE)CITY NAME (example: w Islamabad) to 7070
In Horoscope alerts, if you want to subscribe to a certain star then send first 3 alphabets of that star (example: lib for Libra) to 7070